To ensure that ID systems meet national goals and reflect local needs and constraints, designers should adopt an outcome-based and context-specific approach to making the key decisions outlined above. This will require an in-depth planning process involving multiple stakeholders and in-depth consideration of the following factors:
Status quo: What ID systems are currently operating within the country and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
Vision: What are the main goals of creating a new (or improving an old) ID system, and how will it benefit people, the government, and the private sector?
Constraints: What are the anticipated obstacles or constraints to the planned ID system?
Costs and benefits: What are the anticipated financial impacts of the planned ID system?
Risks: What are the potential risks of planned ID systems related to privacy and exclusion?
The remainder of this section guides practitioners through each of these topics and references core ID4D tools that can be used throughout the planning process, including:
ID4D Diagnostic: A guide for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of existing ID systems
IDEEA: An assessment framework of the ID-enabling environment, with a focus on laws and institutions
Costing Mode: An Excel sheet and accompanying paper to help practitioners estimate the price tag of certain design choices
Public Sector Savings: A framework for assessing opportunities for fiscal savings in the public sectors
End-user research toolkit (forthcoming)